After carefully observing the recent developments around the world and the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to conduct this conference as a Virtual event by taking the attendee’s safety into consideration.
01 September, 2020
Call for abstracts
31 October, 2020
Abstract deadline
31 October, 2020
Abstracts notification
25 November, 2020
Early bird registration closes
30 November, 2020
Online registration closes
5th ICSM will be held during 11-16 December 2022. ** Website will be functional soon.**

Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the fourth edition of International Conference on Soft Materials (ICSM 2020) during 13-18 December 2020. After carefully observing the recent developments around the world and the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to conduct this conference as a Virtual event by taking the attendee’s safety into consideration. On behalf of the organizing committee, it is my pleasure to invite scientists, academicians, young researchers and students from all over the world to attend the 4th ICSM 2020 through virtual mode.

Over the years, the ICSM conference has developed a strong reputation and dedicated to all aspects of soft materials. We are putting our efforts to bring together, once again, a multi-disciplinary group of leading Plenary and Invited Speakers from all over the world to promote and enhance recent achievements in the field of soft materials.

In particular, we would like to welcome the students/postdoc in this exciting forum to address a wide range of issues and their solution for the better future of our society. The exchange of knowledge and the discussions amongst participants will be favoured during the conference.

In this conference, we have also scheduled one day workshop on Polymers for Energy Energy Conversion and Storage Applications.
Looking forward to a professionally exhilarating and enjoyable another excellent conference (ICSM 2020) through virtual mode.

A heartily virtual welcome!!

Dr. Kamlendra Awasthi
Conference Chair- ICSM 2020

Soft Materials Research Society Malaviya National Institue of Technology Jaipur

After carefully observing the recent developments around the world and the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have decided to conduct this conference as a Virtual event by taking the attendee’s safety into consideration.

Selected papers from the conference will be published in the following Peer-Review Journals as per their review policy and there will be no liability to the organizers for the publication.
Macromolecular Symposia (Wiley): Special issue for ICSM 2020
Materials Today Proceedings (Elsevier): Special issue for ICSM 2020
Polymer Engineering and Science (Wiley)*: Special issue on Soft Materials for Energy and Biological applications
Materials Letter-X (Elsevier)*: Special issue on Functional Materials for Energy and biological applications
Materials Today Chemistry (Elsevier)*: Special issue on Membranes for Energy and Environmental Applications
*Submission by invitation from guest editors to the selected authors. Detailed information and guidelines will be communicated soon.



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