Contributed talks are meant to be a SHORT presentation (MAX 8 minutes). The author should focus only on the main aim of the research and only mention the key findings.
Judgment criteria for best presentation award (students):
Each judge scores in the following categories:
Originality and Creativity
Effective presentation: Materials are organized with smooth transitions (i.e., Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion). Charts, graphs, and/or illustrations are appropriate to the subject investigated. Conclusion(s) is/are consistent with the evidence. The slides are easy to read.
Communication: The author should communicate the research effectively and respond to the questions from the audience or session chair.
Poster flash talks are meant to be a VERY SHORT presentation of posters (MAX 2 minutes, ONLY 2 slides).
No additional electronic media (e.g., sound and video) or props are allowed. The purpose of the flash talk is to stimulate the audience to view the poster and to discuss the research with the author during the poster session. The author should focus only on the main aim of the research and only mention the key findings.
1. Presentations should be prepared for use with Microsoft PowerPoint in a Windows-compatible format; you may also send the pdf file.
2. The aspect ratio (ratio of width to height) should ideally be set to '16:9'
3. Prepare your slides (only TWO) to communicate key findings, not details. If attendees want details, let them ask you during the poster session.
4. Make sure you clearly announce your abstract ID to find out your poster.
5. Excessive use of organization logos/advertisements is not allowed.
6. Do not spend time acknowledging all co-workers, institutes, etc. This information is shown on your poster.
7. Focus on your message to attract people to view your poster.
8. A student volunteer and session chair will be available to assist you during the flash talk, and you are not allowed to change the order of your presentation.
Judgment criteria for best presentation award:
Each judge scores in the following categories:
During Flash talk
Communication: Did the presentation communicate the research effectively?
Importance: Did the presentation effectively communicate the innovation and/or significance of the research?
Engagement: Did the presentation make the audience want to know more?
During Poster Presentation